In a recent workshop, we brought together eleven US-based leaders of Future Mobility projects to exchange insights on collaboration between Sweden and the United States. Engaging discussions highlighted key learnings and new opportunities for sustainable mobility.
"The Future Mobility initiative was a real door-opener. We’re not only focused on this project but also see potential for future collaborations. It would be great to see more initiatives like this.”
“I definitely think it has been worthwhile carrying out this collaborative project, especially to learn from another country’s experience and expertise. It has deepened our understanding and contributed valuable knowledge. I would highly recommend continuing this. From the US side, learning from Sweden has been incredibly valuable.”
"This is a seed activity—there are other things happening as well. Eventually, we want to establish something bigger. This is just the beginning, a seed for something much larger.”
The American side of the bilateral projects was invited to the workshop as a follow-up to a previous workshop involving the Swedish project leaders.
Represented projects span a diverse range of themes; from mobility hubs via vehicle electrification approaches to technologies for self-driving vehicles.
During the two-hour workshop, a wealth of practical recommendations and ideas were shared, benefitting on-going and future innovation collaborations.